The CRI Symposium for Clinical Laboratories will be at the Tropicana Las Vegas April 3-6, 2019.
We are offering sessions relevant to the POCT community on Thursday April 4 and Friday April 5. Please join us to hear these engaging speakers share their expertise on POCT topics you can use! Come experience EDUCATION FOR LABORATORY EXCELLENCE! More details and registration are available at:
Thursday April 4
Value of Point of Care Blood Gas Testing, Acid-Base Balance
and the Practical Applications of the Acid-Base Chart
Ellis Jacobs, PhD, DABCC, FACB
1.5 PACE credits
This presentation reviews the value of blood gas testing and the practical application of the acid-base chart as an indicator to distinguish between metabolic vs respiratory disturbances. The session identifies the terminology, causes, and symptoms of acid-base imbalance, and analyzes the acid base chart and its application in interpreting the acid-base status. There will be an in-depth look at the ability of blood gas testing to determine the cause of reduced oxygen transport and release to tissues. Factors affecting oxygen uptake, transport, and release will be discussed. Reasons for reduced oxygen carrying capacity, different methods for oxygen saturation assessment and the pitfalls associated with some of these methods, and the value of measured vs calculated saturation using co-oximetry will be presented. This presentation will review the sources of error in blood gas/electrolyte testing and discuss how Point of Care testing (POCT) helps mitigate them. The outcome of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry evidence-based review of the scientific literature relating to blood gas/electrolyte POCT will be presented.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the practical applications of the acid-base balance and how to distinguish between metabolic vs respiratory disturbances.
- Review the importance of base excess for in-depth analysis of metabolic versus respiratory imbalance
- Analyze the acid base chart and its application in interpreting the acid-base status
- Illustrate the use of blood gas testing to determine the cause of reduced oxygen transport and release to tissues
- Identify different methods for oxygen saturation assessment and the pitfalls associated with some of these methods
- List the sources of error in blood gas/electrolyte testing
- Describe how POCT reduces errors in blood gas/electrolyte testing
- Describe the evidence for the value of blood gas/electrolyte POCT
Family Medicine- Current Trends in POCT
Jane Smith, MS, MT(ASCP)SI, DLM
1.5 PACE credits
Point-of-care tests (POCTs) are increasingly used in family medicine to facilitate screening, diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, and referral decisions for a variety of conditions. A study identified 34 POCTs that would be beneficial to add to family medicine and reported 30 conditions for which they considered POCTs would be useful for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment decisions. An overview of current POCT testing will be summarized based on what physicians found useful for their family medical practice.
Learning Objectives
- List the top 10 POCTs that clinicians considered to be most beneficial to add to their family medicine practice
- Describe the types of conditions for which the top 10 POCTs would be useful
- Evaluate available waived POCTs for running the top 10 POCTs for family medicine practice
- Recommend future POCTs family practice clinicians would find most beneficial to add their family medicine practice
Molecular Diagnostics and POCT
Ellis Jacobs, PhD, DABCC, FACB
1.5 PACE credits
With advancing technology, molecular diagnostics are moving into the realm of Point of Care Testing (POCT). Rapid molecular diagnostic testing is increasingly becoming important for disease identification, treatment and prevention. However, traditionally, molecular tests have been limited to specialty laboratories primarily because the technologies employed require sample purification and sophisticated instruments, are labor and time intensive, expensive, and require highly operators. With the advent of molecular POCT, with sensitivity, specificity and predictive values in the 97-99.9% range, utilizing both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and isothermal nucleic acid methodologies, this is changing. Learn the various molecular technologies and systems currently available and discuss how they could be implemented effectively at the point of care.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the unique aspect of nucleic acid testing in POCT
- List the various molecular technologies employed in POCT
- Describe the characteristics of the various molecular POCT systems on the market
Friday April 5
Reducing Human Errors in Point of Care Testing through
Performance Improvement and Measuring Quality Indicators
Jeanne Mumford, MT(ASCP)
1.5 PACE credits
Whether you have an established or new and growing Point of Care program, making meaningful quality improvements can be achieved through the use of a quality dashboard and indicators. In this presentation, you’ll learn how to choose a quality indicator (QI) and measure it over time in order to establish annual targets. Through the use of multidisciplinary team meetings in your hospital or physician’s office, you’ll learn how to improve patient safety and even help your teams meet national patient safety goals and be inspection ready. You’ll see how to build a quality dashboard, go through the process of setting targets and discuss corrective actions that will help you to meet them. If you are looking for help for your POCT program to be more inspection ready, be highly efficient and safer for your patients, then this presentation is for you.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how to select indicators
- Learn how to manage expectations for reducing human errors and improving patient safety through quality indicators
- Describe how to gather baseline data and determine your target goals for your indicators
Point of Care Connectivity: Untangling the Web
Leandra Soto, MT (ASCP)cm
1.5 PACE credits
Understanding that Point of Care connectivity is crucial for the current needs of bedside testing, expanding the Point of Care Coordinator basic knowledge of IT concepts, definitions and Facilities’ requirements are all fundamental to a successful program.
In this presentation, I will discuss what are the elements needed for an instrument connection and will give you tips on how to obtain them. I will also share with you how to communicate with IT and teach you how to understand their needs. When evaluating and purchasing new POCT instruments, you will want to keep these requirements in mind. Troubleshooting methods can include
- Verifying instrument connections and configurations for both wireless and hardwire applications;
- Working with POCT vendors on interface issues; and lastly
- Working with your local IT specialists at your facility.
Learning Objectives
- Understand basic IT terms and definitions for successfully setting up Point of Care instruments
- Compare connectivity models including wired and wireless connections
- Resolve connection issues including errors involving the instruments, middleware and/or facilities’ network problems