Providing a forum in which POC professionals
can gather to discuss ideas and look at new
technologies and
trends in POCT

Knowing Now Matters Symposium™
The Summer
Evening Dinner Escape with Alere - Silverbell Pavilion Venue
July 21, 2015
EBOLA, POC Glucose, STAT POC Lab and more
highlighted our March 2, 2015 Conference!
Emory Conference
Center Hotel,
1615 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA
Available at NO CHARGE to POCCs, Med Techs, and
laboratory directors,
conference qualifies for
(AACC) and
includes lunch, networking with your peers and a
vendor fair. Topics include:
EBOLA at Emory
James C. Ritchie, PhD, Emory
A New Era in POC
Glucose Testing in the Hospital: Regulatory
Changes and Clinical Significance
Ntrivalas, M.D., Ph.D.
The Surveyors are
Coming! The Surveyors are Coming! The
Surveyors are Coming! Are You Really Ready?
George, Ph.D., DABCC, FACB
Stakeholders in
Infection Prevention
Abbott Diabetes Care
A STAT POC Laboratory
in the Emergency Department
Tony Nolen, BSCLS, MLS
(ASCP), Clinical Laboratory Manager, Bert
Fish Medical Center
POC Coordinator Panel
Chaired by Karen Jenkins, MT
(ASCP), POCC (AACC), Emory Health Systems,
Atlanta, GA
Forum @ AACC Raffle
AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab
Expo is returning to Atlanta this summer
from July 26-31.
we want to see all Georgia POCCs there!
To encourage you, all attendees to our
March 2 meeting will receive a raffle
ticket good for a chance to win
complimentary admission to the 2015 AACC
Critical and Point of Care Testing (CPOCT)
Forum being held in Atlanta on July 30
during the Annual Meeting.
This year's forum will highlight
practical applications of risk
assessment/mitigation strategies
throughout the preanalytic, analytic and
postanalytic phases of the POC testing
A panel of experienced POC Coordinators
will share their insight and “lessons
learned” while using emerging risk
management strategies to support
continuous quality improvement and
patient safety efforts in POCT
For more details on the CPOCT forum,
click here. I
Click here for other POCC events.
In Case You Missed It...

A large group of POCCs and
lab professionals attended our November 7 Meeting at St.
Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta, hosted by Karen Jenkins
from Emory University Hospital - Midtown.
Preparing for

Ellis Jacobs, Ph.D., DABCC, FACB, Director, Scientific
Affairs, Alere, led an interactive discussion on 'Preparing
for IQCP'. In Dr. Jacobs' discussion, he talked about
Risk management is something
laboratories are already doing.
An IQCP assesses the medical
need for test, performance requirements, and
weaknesses in the testing process as well as actions
to address those risks.
Each IQCP is unique because the
combination of device, setting, medical requirements
and operators may differ between laboratories.
An IQCP is the industry
standard. It depends upon the extent to which the
device’s features achieve their intended purpose in
union with the laboratory’s expectation for ensuring
quality results.
Once implemented, the IQCP is
monitored for effectiveness and modified as needed
to maintain risk at a clinically acceptable level.
a copy of Dr. Jacobs slides,
click here or on the image on
the right, above.
at Emory Hospital

Emory Healthcare's James C. Ritchie, PhD, Clinical
Chemistry, Professor. Pathology & Laboratory Medicine worked with a team at Emory University that cared
for two patients with Ebola virus disease (EVD) in
August. During is talk, he discussed:
Dr. Ritchie was kind
enough to provide his presentation to GAPOCC members. To
view or download a copy of the slides,
click here
or on the image to right.
More photos from our
November meeting...
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