
Coagulation for POCT and  
Meeting Regulations through Connectivity

Sharon Ehrmeyer, PhD, spoke to the Midwest POCC Group on "Meeting Regulations through Connectivity"

November 1, 20019:00 am - 2:45 pm 
at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
(click here for directions)


9:00-9:30am Registration and Breakfast
9:30-10:00am Ice Breaker
10:00-11:30am Coagulation Testing - What is it and why do we need POC?
Marcia Zucker, PhD
11:30am-12:00pm Discussion on the formation of the Midwest POCC group
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-2:00pm Meeting Regulations through Connectivity
Sharon Ehrmeyer, PhD
2:00-2:45pm Final business discussion, results of survey, and future meetings

MIdwest POCC Core Group members
Kris Giese MT(ASCP), Franciscan Shared Laboratories
, Barb Roettgen MT(ASCP), Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and 
Kim Kubricky MS, BS, MLT(ASCP), Columbia-St. Marys


This meeting is sponsored by: Ryan Diagnostics and Medical Automation Systems, Inc.

The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin is located at 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee. Driving directions from Green Bay, Kenosha/Racine, Beloit, Madison and Fox Valley Cities as well as via County Transit can be found at http://www.chw.org/location/location.htm. The meeting will be held in the 1st floor Lobby Conference Room of the office building.

RSVP via email at BRoettgen@chw.org 

Marcia Zucker, Ph.D., has a BS in Biology, from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, both her Masters in Biochemistry and PhD Molecular Biology from Princeton University, and her Post-Doctorate in Pharmacology from Yale Medical School. She was trained as a molecular virologist, and worked as an AIDS Virology Laboratory Supervisor at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Dr. Zucker moved towards Coagulation testing in 1993 when she began her work at International Technidyne Corp.(ITC) She is currently the Director of the newly created Clinical Research Department at ITC.
Sharon Ehrmeyer, Ph.D., MT(ASCP), is Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Director of the Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology Program at the University of Wisconsin’s Medical School in Madison, Wisconsin. She currently is the secretary for AACC’s POCT Division and recently completed a 6-year term on the Board of Directors for NCCLS and the chairmanship of AACC’s Government Relations Committee. Dr. Ehrmeyer’s research areas focus on laboratory quality issues, laboratory regulations impact on laboratory practices, and POCT. She has written numerous book chapters and journal articles and has presented these interests, nationally and internationally.

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