The SoCal POCCs are proud to be hosts for AfterGlow 2010 during the
2010 AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo. Click here

In case you missed it...


Our July 22, 2010 Webinar is now available online

Listen and view the slides  I  View the slides only (pdf)

Our July 22, 2010 webinar focused on the a need for Evidence-Based POCT.  Clinicians, staff and laboratorians need guidance in applying POCT in the most effective manner for patient benefit.  This guidance should be based on a concurrence of the scientific evidence to date.  The development and conclusions of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry’s Laboratory Medicine Practice Guideline – Evidence Based Practice for Point of Care Testing will be reviewed. After viewing this presentation, you'll be able to:

  1. Explain Evidence Based Medicine, the systematic review process and the levels of evidence.
  2. Understand the need for the application of EBM to POCT.
  3. Give examples of where the use of  POCT is not supported by an EBM review


This web meeting is provided with financial support from:


hemocue MAS


And produced by Whitehat Communications in cooperation with Point of


Whitehat POCnet

Return to Home Page Last updated: 11/09/2010 Questions or corrections: My Point of