SCPOC Network Home


Governing Body


The governing body of the SC POC Network shall be comprised of:

  • President-Patti Pitts

  • Three (3) Vice Presidents, one to represent each of the following areas of the state
    based on the map below:

    • Mountains Region-Sonya Sheppard

    • Piedmont Region-To be filled for 2013-2014 Term

    • Coastal Region-To be filled for 2013-2014 Term

    • Advisory Board

      • (Nominations are held in February, elections March and term begins in May)


Vice President duties will include, but will not be limited to:

  • During a calendar year, from within their region,

    • One VP will be responsible for hosting or recruiting a webinar,

    • Second VP will hold or will recruit someone for a face-to-face meeting,

    • Third VP will assure updates to member listing,, and
      other administrative duties as needed.

  • Serving in the president’s place at meetings (in the event the President is
    unable to attend) if the meeting is in their region.

  • Serving as the primary oversight for the host facility planner when the meeting
    is held in their region.

  • Arranging for PACE, SC Respiratory Care Licensure, and other reaccrediting
    agency credits for meetings held in their region.

  • Assisting with other duties as assigned at all meetings.

  • Term shall be one (1) year each.

  • There are no term limits for this office.

  • By secret ballot, one of the VPs will serve as President in the following year.

Return to Home Page  Last updated: 02/22/2013 • Questions or corrections: