Meeting Notes from our May 18 at
Mary Washington Hospital, John F. Fick Conference Center
in Fredericksburg, VA featuring...

CLIA and EP 23: Individual Quality Control Plan and

EP 23: A Case Study

Invitees Attending:

  • Ann Snyder, MT(ASCP), centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baltimore, MD

  • Lou Ann Wyer, MS, MT(ASCP) ASQ CQA, Director, Sentara Laboratory Services


  • Dan Tabor, Fisher, Breakfast

  • John Blair, Lunch

  • Janet Burckell, Host

  • Steve Valorz, Webmaster


Sentara was well represented at the May 18th meeting


Meeting Minutes:

  1. Registration was held from 9:30-10:30 am, by Lisa Durish and Debby Graubner.
    Dues for 2012 ($25.00) and Meeting only registrations ($20.00) were collected.
    Breakfast was provided by Dan Tabor with Fisher and enjoyed by all.

  2. Shirley Church, President, welcomed everyone and introduced the 2012 officers:

    • Lisa Durish, President Elect

    • Debby Graubner, Treasurer

      Rhonda Russell, Secretary

      Shirley also recognized those who helped organize the meeting, including:

      • Cathy Owens, Eve Autrey, Lana Wilson, Vickie Donnelly, Janet Burckell, who is our hostess today, and Steve Valorz who is doing a great job as webmaster for the organization.

  3. Shirley welcomed Ann Snyder, who presented CLIA and EP 23.

    • Ann’s presentation included the Background and History of CLIA QC, 2005 “QC for the Future” Meeting of 2005, and CMS’ High Level Implementation Plan for Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP).

  4. Lunch was provided by John Blair with Alere, and heartily enjoyed by all.

  5. Shirley then welcomed Lou Ann Wyer, who presented EP 23: A Case Study. Lou Ann’s presentation included the process used in determining the elements needed for an Individualized Quality Control Program for the assay of Lactic Acid on the i-STAT 1 analyzer.

  6. Shirley thanked the speakers.
    The door prize (a lovely floral basket) was awarded to Vicky Donnelly, who will be retiring this year.

  7. A business meeting followed, with Lisa Durish giving the treasurer’s report.

    • She reported an account balance of $8897.09, not including the receipts from membership dues collected today.

    • Lisa also reported the status of the AfterGlow account, an account that VAPOCC maintains for the national AACC Point of Care organization.

    • That balance is $5166.76.

  8. Shirley announced that there are two webinars scheduled for this year:

    • August 14, 2012, at 12:00 Eastern
      Brad Karon will present “POC INR Device Evaluations”

    • November 1, 2012, at 12:00 Eastern
      Dr. Bill Clark will present “Perspectives on the Rapidly Growing Number of POCT Tests Available.
      Information will be posted on the website as the dates get closer.

  9. Shirley also reminded folks that we need nominations for the President-Elect to start a term in January, 2013, and asked members to consider becoming involved and nominating candidates for the office.

    The meeting was then concluded.

Minutes prepared by: Rhonda Russell, MT(ASCP); May 23, 2012
Minutes Approved: Shirley Church, MT(ASCP) May 25, 2012

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