Approved IFCC Recommendation for Reporting Blood Glucose Results & Sources of Error in Glucose POCT

Thursday, May 27, 2010 I 1:00PM Eastern
Presented by Ellis Jacobs, PhD, DABCC, FACB

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Currently plasma and blood glucose are used interchangeably, with risk of clinical misinterpretation.  Different systems for measuring glucose concentration may detect and report fundamentally different quantities due to differences in the water content of serum, plasma, blood and calibrators.  It is recommendation of the IFCC that, for harmonization of results and reduction in therapeutic misjudgments,  all glucose results be reported in terms of  glucose in plasma, regardless of the actual sample type or measurement technique. Additionally, there all multiple sources of error in the pre-analytical and analytical phases of POC glucose testing.  These will be reviewed in this presentation.

  1. To understand the relationship between serum, plasma and blood glucose concentrations.
  2. Understand the impact of direct vs in-direct biosensor technology on the accuracy of glucose measurements.
  3. Be able to describe analytical limitations of the various glucose measurement methodologies
  4. To be able to explain pre-analytical and analytical causes of error in glucose POCT measurements.

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