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“Let’s Get it Started”
Presented by Alere
April 13, 2015 I 9:00 am EST
Webinar Link: Click here WebEx meeting #: 258 205 679 Conference Call Dial in: 800-391-9177 Code: 676-483-3924 Webinar Flyer: Click here
Alere wants to be one of your key industry partners as you begin developing your IQCPs and we are pleased to offer an IQCP webinar discussion with one of our Scientific Affairs Directors. This session will give you the information needed to get started on the IQCP processes and walk you through the IQCP support tools that will be available from Alere. Significant time will be provided for your questions about your IQCPs.
Briefly review the history and benefits of IQCPs
Describe the structure of IQCPs and its components:
Risk Assessments
Quality Control Plans
Quality Assurance Plans
Give an orientation to the information and support documentation Alere will provide for IQCPs and how this information will fit into your individual plans
Provide pen-to-paper suggestions on how to get started
Engage in a general IQCP question and answer session
Presenter and Panel Members:
Panel Members:
Ellis Jacobs, Ph.D., DABCC, FACB, Director, Scientific Affairs [Bio]
Jane L. Smith MS MT(ASCP) SI, DLM, Technical Manager, Scientific Affairs
Thomas I. Koshy, Ph.D.,
Senior Director,
Scientific Affairs
Dr. Jacobs received his B.S. degree in Chemistry and Natural Sciences from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA and then obtained a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of South Carolina. He did postdoctoral training in Clinical Chemistry & Toxicology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Jacobs has extensive experience with POCT, critical care testing, laboratory consolidation and automation, computerization and automatic result reporting, and planning and performance of clinical trials for various main laboratory and POCT systems.
Dr. Jacobs has been involved in establishing clinical diagnostic regulatory and accreditation standards at the local, national and international levels. He is a former director of the New York State laboratory accreditation program and is active in the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. He is currently Chair of the Document Development Committee on Point of Care In Vitro Diagnostic Testing, and is Vice Chair of the Consensus Committee on Point of Care Testing. Additionally, Dr. Jacobs is a past member, and current observer, of the US Technical Advisory Group for ISO Technical Committee 212 on Clinical Laboratory Testing and In Vitro Diagnostic Test Systems and was a member of the development committees for EP18 and EP23.
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