About KEYPOCC I Our Objective I Membership I Fees I Scholarships I Brochure



This information is brought to you by the KEYPOCC Officers. We hope that you have found it to be both informative and inspiring. We are members of KEYPOCC because the future of our profession depends on us. Please join us in our cause to make a DIFFERENCE!!

Our Objective

The purpose of KEYPOCC is to form a collaborative network of point-of-care coordinators with a willingness to share information, ideas, and creative solutions to the unique challenges presented by the growth of point-of-care testing (POCT). Through a philosophy of open communication, cooperation, and the use of various communication tools, we strive to develop an association that serves:

As an education resource for everyday POCT issues.
As an educational resource for current and emerging POCT standards and technologies.
To influence industry development efforts.
As an informational resource to other organizations.


As a member of KEYPOCC, you will have opportunities to attend meetings and webinars on the most current topics in Point of Care Testing (POCT).

A healthcare professional with an interest in the development, delivery, or administration of POCT, and/or an individual employed by a commercial firm providing sales or support of products and/or services used for POCT, are eligible for membership. The interaction among members, in group settings or on a one-to-one basis, will prove invaluable to the success of your POC Program. Becoming involved in this professional organization not only benefits you as an individual, but also those who are in your profession and those for whom you really work– the PATIENT.


  • Annual Membership dues of $30.00 are for one calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31. There are no additional fees to attend meetings and webinars.

  • Individual meetings may be attended by non-members at a fee of $20.00 per meeting.
    KEYPOCC holds three meetings per year and one webinar. Meetings are usually held in March, June and September, but months are subject to change. A webinar is held each December.

  • A dues paying member who attends all three meetings will realize a savings of $30.00 per year.

Join and reap the benefits of membership!

KEYPOCC awards two educational grants each year in June. The Wendy VanDyke and the Bill Sweger Memorial Grants are open to any individual seeking education as a clinical scientist. Grants are based upon specific standards established by the KEYPOCC Grant Committee.

The recipient selection process begins in January and the deadline for submission is April 30. Each applicant will learn of the Grant Committee’s decisions by May 31.

Application requirements:

  • Completed and signed application

  • One page personal essay with title page

  • Copy of official transcript

  • Recommendation letter

  • All documents must be received together

Click here for a Grant Application.

Return to PointofCare.net Home Page Last updated: 02/09/2017 • Questions or corrections: My Point of Care.net