Join us Tuesday, December 9, 2008
at Carlisle Regional Medical Center
POCC Wireless 101
Update from
the PADOH-Bureau of Laboratories
Point-of-Care Coordinators
Introduction of KEYPOCC 2009 Officers
Kathy Hoffman, BSMT (ASCP) SH and Pam Collins, MLT (ASCP)
08:30am |
Continental Breakfast & Sign-in
(Breakfast sponsored by Roche
Diagnostics) |
09:00am |
Welcome & Announcements |
09:15am |
Wireless 101 for the POCC
Fuselier, Roche Diagnostics
“Wireless 101 for the POCC” is a
lecture designed to give the POCC a better understanding of the
technical challenges of wireless device implementation in the
hospital and the benefits associated with wireless. |
10:00am |
Questions & Answers |
10:15am |
Break |
10:30am |
Updates for POCC from Bureau of
Marianne Porter, Director, Division
of Laboratory Improvement
Pennsylvania Department of Health |
11:30am |
Questions & Answers |
11:45am |
Lunch (Carlisle Regional Medical
Center) |
1:30pm |
Final Business Meeting for 2008
RSVP (by
Monday, November 24, 2008):
Reply by Email:
Or by phone: 717-960-3337
For more information contact: Kathy
Hoffman at 717-960-3337 or Cindy Graves at 717-337-4120. If
additional people in your organization are interested in attending,
please feel free to copy this form. There is a $10.00 meeting
registration fee for all non-KEYPOCC members. Students no charge if
space available.
Seating will be limited to 50, hurry and
reserve your seat for the meeting!
Carlisle Regional Medical Center
361 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17015
Phone: (717) 249-1212 Fax: (717) 960-3520
This is a great site to get personal
directions: www.carlislermc.com
Once there, enter parking lot from
Alexander Spring Rd. Please park in EMPLOYEE parking lot, located to
the left of the hospital as you are facing it from Alexander Spring
Rd. There are three entrances at the front of the hospital. Enter
through the one marked Visitor Entrance, turn right, continue past
elevators, and turn left. Meeting is in the Education Center, Rm
138, located on the ground floor.

Our PACE Credit sponsor

Henri Fuselier has been with Roche
Diagnostics’ blood glucose monitoring market for 25 years. His expertise
is with point of care connectivity.
Marianne Porter, Director, Division of
Laboratory Improvement Pennsylvania Department of Health earned a
Bachelor of Science Degree from Chatham College and a Master of Science
Degree from Florida Atlantic University. She has worked as a bench tech
in the Bureau’s Division of Microbiology and has served as a laboratory
inspector. She also served as Supervisor of the Proficiency Testing
Section before obtaining her current position |