Orchard Point-of-Care V2.2
Centralized POCT Management to Improve Efficiency & Compliance:
Orchard® Point-of-Care (OPOC) solves many of the problems associated with POCT management by enabling Point-of-Care Coordinators (POCC) to track patient testing, devices, operator certifications, and QC from a central location. Automated security features help POCC ensure quality testing and promote patient safety.
- Allows managers to track their POCT operations (e.g. operators, devices, etc.) across all testing locations
- Includes a comprehensive competency module to track end user training and certifications
- auto-recertify operators based on specific criteria

- Ability to manually enter all off-line or kit tests without a separate module
- Extensive decision-support rule capabilities that ensure adherence to procedures, assist in compliance and billing, and enable error-free result transmission
- route specimens
- auto-verification
Dashboard display: Orchard Point-of-Care offers a real-time visual dashboard that displays: patient result volume, pending orders, instrument statuses, operator certifications, and QC statistics.

Central repository for QC and reagent lot tracking helps ensure accurate results & improve patient safety
- Set up QC to auto-order at the desired frequency
- Employ intuitive filters to ease tracking of numerous QC graphs
- Track reagent lot numbers
Flexible POCT implementation to fit unique workflows: OPOC is capable of supporting diverse POCT scenarios across multiple locations in any facility type, including management of overall specimen collection, processing, and tracking procedures.
- Help manage variances in POCT device capabilities
- Address unique POCT scenarios in bedside testing and near-patient testing
- Work with your existing LIS if desired
- Standardize POCT activities across multiple locations
- Sacility-based restrictions keep data private between locations
- Flexibility and configurability support POCT workflows across any type of healthcare organization
- Available in a SaaS deployment environment
Document instrument linearity studies to meet regulatory requirements
- Graph linearity/ calibration verification data for POCT
- Linear regression graphs depict slope, y-intercept, and coefficient of variation
- Intuitive filters ease tracking of numerous linearity graphs
POCT data mining provides data for future business decisions & inspections
- User-friendly data mining tools with a menu of standardized report formats
- Configurable, detailed ad hoc data queries
Streamlined Operator Interaction for Ease of Use:
Orchard Point-of-Care allows operators to access and view exactly what they need to perform quality POCT and ensure results capture. Operators get a personalized view of the POCT information that is pertinent to them.
Integrated POCT Improves Speed & Value of Test Results
Eliminate handwritten processes and manual entry and move toward an interoperable healthcare system with POCT integration. Centralized device management and connectivity add efficiency for managers and operators through time reduction and patient safety improvements. Include POCT data in analytics projects and population health management initiatives.

Vendor-agnostic connectivity for diverse POCT devices
- Secure method for connecting disparate devices and vendorware
- Address the unique challenges of numerous diverse POCT situations
- Rapid deployment across locations
Ensure POCT billing capture to reduce errors & maximize reimbursements
- Automated capture of POCT billing
- Tracking of CPT II Codes to close care gaps