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AVOX Systems

28267 Ruffian Drive
Fair Oaks, TX  78015-4809

Phone:   210-695-8242 or 800-225-2869

  • tHb, %O2Hb, O2 content
  • tHb, %O2Hb, % COHb, %MetHb, O2 content


Avox Systems has manufactured instruments to measure blood oxygen since 1976. At its headquarters in San Antonio, Texas, the company is developing its proprietary light-scattering technology into a series of clinical instruments to serve various markets including cardiology, intensive care, and emergency medicine. 

The company's unique, new technology enables its instruments to make spectrophometric measurements directly in unaltered whole blood without hemolysis or other sample preparation. 

Because AVOXimeters do not need the pumps, plumbing and hemolyzers employed by conventional co-oximeters, they are faster and less expensive, and they require almost no maintenance. 

The AVOXimeter 1000, released in 1993, is already the oximeter of choice in cardiac catheterization labs in leading US hospitals. In 1996, the company introduced the AVOXimeter 4000, the world's first whole-blood co-oximeter, and established itself as the international leader in this field.


Size: 10 X 8 X 3.75 inches (25.4 X 20.4 X 9.5 cm)

Data Transfer Capability: ASTM; connects to PC or LIS via RS232 port


  • NiCad battery for 8-10 hours or power adapter (90-240V, 50/60 Hz
  • Back-lighted display

Test Menu:

  • Measured: tHb, % O2Hb
  • Calculated: O2 content

CPT codes:

  • 8501 - tHb (Total Hemoglobin)
  • 82790 - Oxygen Saturation
  • 36600 - Arterial drawing fee

Test Methodology: Multi-wavelength spectrophotometry

Units in which test result is reported:

  • tHb                    g/dl or mmol/L (selectable: either SI or conventional)
  • O2Hb                  %
  • O2 content          ml O2/dL

Sample Volume: 50 µL cuvette volume filled by syringe

Time to result: <10 sec

CLIA Classification:  M oderately Complex


  • Uses disposable cuvettes with unlimited shelf-life
  • Non-volatile memory for storing results (up to 100 samples)
  • Label samples with anatomical site such as right ventricle, pulmonary artery, etc.
  • Serial port for interface to computer, printer, or data management system
  • Optical filters for easy QC
  • On-board data manager records patient, QC, etc.
  • Includes hemodynamics calculator for cardiac cath lab applications



Size: 10 X 8 X 3.75 inches (25.4 X 20.4 X 9.5 cm)

Data Transfer Capability: ASTM; connects to PC or LIS via RS232 port


  • NiCad battery for 8-10 hours or power adapter (90-240V, 50/60 Hz)
  • Back-lighted display

Test Menu:

  • Measured: tHb, %O2Hb, % COHb, %MetHb
  • Calculated: O2 content

CPT codes:

  • 8501 - tHb (Total Hemoglobin)
  • 82790 - Oxygen Saturation
  • 36600 - Arterial drawing fee

Test Methodology: Multi-wavelength spectrophotometry

Units in which test result is reported:

  • tHb                     g/dl or mmol/L (selectable: either SI or conventional)
  • O2Hb                   %
  • COHb                   %
  • MetHb                  %
  • O2 content           ml O2/dL

Sample Volume: 50 µL cuvette volume filled by syringe

Time to result: <10 sec

CLIA Classification:  Moderately Complex


  • Uses disposable cuvettes with unlimited shelf-life
  • Non-volatile memory for storing results (up to 100 samples)
  • Serial port for interface to computer, printer, or data management system
  • Optical filters for easy QC
  • On-board data manager records patient results, QC data, etc.


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