Welcome I
Next Meeting Details I
Vendor Fair I QC
Presentation I Sepsis
Presentation I Wrap
Welcome and Business Meeting

Bill Hankins from
Danville Regional Medical Center welcomed nearly 40
POCCs and POC vendor representatives from North
Carolina and Virginia at
Danville Area Training Center in Danville, VA on
November 30, 2012.
Upon their arrival,
attendees were treated to a nice breakfast sponsored
Business Meeting:
Following a welcome from Bill,
which included an overview of the Training Center,
Carolina POC Network's President Chris Nooney, from
the Duke University Point-of-Care Testing led a
brief business meeting and told the group that:
Motion was passed for a flat
$10 meeting attendance fee in lieu of annual
dues. This will begin with the Spring meeting
in 2013.
Budget report presented by
Kim Ballister, Cone Health, Co-Treasurer.
Names for Vice president were
submitted and NC members present voted to
install Paula Stafford as the new Vice
Spring Meeting to be in
Greenville, NC with a Pirate Treasure theme.
Save the date cards were presented at the
meeting. The meeting will be on May 31, 2013.
Fall meeting for 2013 will be
hosted by Duke University Health System, Duke
Hospital. Date to be announced.
Please submit via email to
one of the executive committee sites for the
Spring and Fall meetings of 2014.
Save the Date for our Next
also asked attendees to save the date and get ready
to 'Set sail on the Jolly Roger in Search of Pirate
Treasure' for the Spring 2013 NCPOC meeting held in
'the Land of the Pirates' at Vidant Medical Center,
ECU School of Medicine, in Greenville, NC on Friday,
May 31st.
This meeting and vendor fair will
be hosted by Paula Stafford and Martina Christie and
both Paula and Martina welcome topic suggestions.
Please send an email to Paula at
pstaffor@vidanthealth.com or Martina at
with any ideas you have.
Vendor Fair
Attendees then made their way to
the vendor room to discuss the latest products and
services available in point-of-care. Participating
vendors included:
Alere Informatics
Abbott Diabetes Care
Abbott Point of Care
Roche Diagnostics
New Paradigms in
Quality Control Presentation

Bill then introduced Dr. Tom
Koshy, above, Senior Director, Scientific Affairs,
who presented
New Paradigms in Quality Control.
Click here for slides from this presentation.
A great lunch followed and more time with the vendors
during the vendor fair.
Sepsis Management Presentation

After lunch, Bill introduced Dr.
Mark Pamer, above, who led a spirited presentation
on Sepsis Management.
Click here for slides from this presentation.
Wrap Up
The meeting concluded with a
number of gift card raffles sponsored by the NCPOC