Wednesday, August 18, 2010


“Improving Your POC Program:

An Upside Down Map”


Listen to the Recording  I  View the Slides


Presented by Sheila Coffman, MT(ASCP)

Summary If you have seen one point of care program, you have seen one point of care program.  While all programs have testing, personnel and regulatory/accrediting agencies, each is unique in how it organizes these  items into a POC program for their own institution.  Resources such as time, money and personnel can be hurdles in developing the idea program. 

This presentation, led by Sheila Coffman, MT(ASCP), will offer some ideas on developing a POC committee, test selection and standardization, training, continuing education, policy and procedure writing, quality management, connectivity, regulatory and accrediting as well as other tidbits of POC information aimed at providing insight into improvement opportunities.   


  • ID key personnel for a POC Committee and know when and why to meet

  • Understand how to write a SOP and why it should be read by end users

  • ID training program documentation and explore options for bringing it to the end users

  • Discuss a Quality Management program specifically QI related to program errors

  • Discuss connectivity solution features and usage in a POC program

About our SpeakerSheila Coffman is a former Point of Care Coordinator from University Hospital in San Antonio, Texas.  She transitioned to the industry side of POC working as Director of Clinical Services at QAS, Inc. (an Inverness Medical company). Most of her years in POC have been spent in coagulation supporting professionals and also patients self testing.   She has worked as a consultant in the field of POC for development of medical devices, regulatory guidance, technical writing and presenting.  Currently, she is working at Abbott Point of Care in Field Support Services.  Sheila also currently serves as a Faculty Advisor for the AACC CPOCT Point of Care Specialist Certificate program and is also working on a CLSI document for Point of Care.

This meeting is sponsored by:

Eurotrol; Radiometer; Accumetrics; MAS; Siemens


This meeting is produced by and in cooperation with:

Whitehat Communications and


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