Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2007

Via Conference Call

Members Present:
Stacey Cerminaro, Rick Lebo, Dawn Earnest, Sandra Martin, and Carrie Bell

Treasurer’s Report

Checking Account Balance - $5863    Money Market - $4119

Two vendors from the March meeting have not furnished a check for their participation.  Discussion ensued on an appropriate timeframe for vendor payments.  A check for full payment should be sent prior to the scheduled meeting, or given in person on the day of the event.  If check is to be sent from the company, payment is expected no later than thirty days after the event or an additional reminder will be sent.  Vendor will be unable to participate in future events until payment is received in full.

Stacey is awaiting confirmation related to our not-for-profit status with the IRS.  All paperwork has been submitted.

Secretary Report

KEYPOCC has 52 members, 18 of whom are corporate members and 34 POCC’s.

We have a total of 197 contacts.

The list of members and contacts on the website are current as of the March 2007 meeting.  Updates will be posted after each KEYPOCC meeting.

March 21,2007 – Meeting Review

Survey results showed that all speakers were very well received by the participants.  Meeting went well, food service was excellent.  Only concern voiced was that vendors were located in the hallway, this hampered the flow of hospital patients being transported through this area.

Upcoming Meeting Questions  

June 20, 2007

Chris Fetters did not dial into discuss the logistics of this meeting.  Rick will contact him again to set up an additional planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for 4/20/07.  Chris had e-mailed information on Hershey Park to all the officers, admission for the group will run $29.95 per person with additional costs related to catering.

September 19, 2007

Christiana Hospital - hosted by Terry Hawkins. The topic will be the CAP and JCAHO checklist and unannounced inspections.

Sandra Martin (representing Terry) discussed the logistics of the meeting.  We will have access to two large rooms in their conference center with ample free parking.  Food for the event will be setup in one room and the meeting will be held in the other.  Currently, we have four vendors participating:  Telcor, Nova Stat Strip, Abbott I-stat/ Glucose testing, and Radiometer.  Due to the size of the venue, it is likely that the event will be opened to six additional sponsors.

Prizes will again be awarded for visiting the vendor fair area.  Power will be available to the tables.

Rick has not heard back on speakers. CAP should not be a problem, JCAHO will charge for their speaker.  Lisa Welch from Radiometer will sponsor Dr. Nichols.

Catering is available through Christiana but we can use outside catering as well. 

Luanne from York Hospital, and Terry will speak for 15-20 minutes about their unannounced experience. Plus, we plan to have a panel discussion.

The other POCC groups will be invited to the September meeting.  Mohammed Abd-Rabough and Ann Snyder will be contacted to ask their members to hold the 9/19 date.

December 5, 2007

Location remains undetermined at this point.  Cindy Graves has space reserved at Gettysburg Hospital if another site can not be found.

Lehigh Valley POCCs will be leading this session with a talk about the conversion back to an Emergency Department based laboratory.

Respectfully submitted,

Carrie Bell

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Serving Central PA, the Keystone Point of Care Coordinators (KEYPOCC) provides a forum for the discussion of ideas, issues, practices and emerging technology unique to Point of Care Testing.

Last updated: 09/16/2009 • Questions or corrections: My Point of