21, 2007
Business Meeting Minutes
here for presentations at the March 21, 2007
Community General Osteopathic Hospital
Harrisburg, PA
Celebrations and Successes: Rick
Wally Piontkowski has retired from Wilksbarre VA
Jen Mixell has accepted a position as a trainer
for I-Stat
Katie McKew from Quidel selected the winner of
the $10 Starbucks gift card donated by her company – Sharon Kline –
Holy Spirit Healthcare
Treasurer’s Report: Stacey
Difference in year ending 2006 as compared to
2005 – profit of $257.92
Money Market account - $4113.63
Checking account - $5320.95
Total Funds - $9434.58
Vendor/Sponsorship Program: Stacey
Vendor guidelines were sent to all vendors listed
on the KEYPOCC contact list – guidelines are also available on the
KEYPOCC website.
There will be no vendor display tables available
at the June fun meeting, but sponsorship of the event is available.
September meeting is filled, however if it is
decided to allow additional tables, vendors will be notified.
One table is available at the December meeting.
Incentive Prize Give-a-way
Drawing for two $25 Sheetz gift cards – winners
were chosen at random from all entrants that visited and secured the
signature of all four vendor sponsors
Winners – Annette Smith and Mitzi Savant from
Ephrata Hospital
Continuing Education Credits: Cindy
Evaluation Forms will be sent to all participants
of today’s meeting – to get P.A.C.E. credits
Nova Bio-Medical is underwriting the cost of the
credits – we appreciate their willingness to fund this important
By-law Changes: Carrie
By-laws were amended to allow vendor members to
hold office in KEYPOCC and to add the duty of securing CE credits
for meetings to the office of Vice-President.
An e-mail vote was conducted of members with a
2/3 consensus and all voting members in agreement of changes.
New Format for Board of Director Meetings:Rick
June Meeting at Hershey Park: Chris Fetters
Rick presented information in Chris’s absence.
Group rate of $29.95 would cover admission to the
park that day.
KEYPOCC will cover admission for all members.
Family and non-members will qualify for the group
admission rate.
More details to follow from Chris.
Future Meeting dates for 2007
June 20, 2007: Hershey Park, Hershey PA
“Reducing Medical Errors” host Chris Fetters
September 19, 2007 : Christiana Care,
Newark DE
“Regulatory Readiness” host Terry Hawkins
December 5, 2007: Location – TBD – Cindy
Graves is checking on Gettysburg and Dawn Earnest will see if we can
again use Community General in Harrisburg.
“Emergency Room Testing” host Adonica Wilson