June 29, 2005

Meeting Minutes

Educational Session:

There were 25 in attendance at the June 29th meeting which focused on Hemoglobin A1c testing. Brian Hearne, Distribution Product Specialist for Bayer Healthcare spoke gave an update on A1c testing as well as the technology for the DCA 2000. Karen Allwein and Vanessa Snell from Pinnacle Health System spoke on Diabetes Education and A1c testing. Finally Karen Sciole from Reading Hospital spoke on her role as a POCC who oversees A1c testing at her facility.

Business Meeting:

Treasurer’s Report

  • Checking Account $3151

  • Money Market $4012

Contact List

  • We now have 55 members and 178 individuals on the contact list.

Meeting Dates and Hosts for 2005

  • September 28, 2005: Aspirin Resistance (Bev)

  • December 7, 2005: Leadership (Peter)

Planning Committee Guidelines

Bev has created a draft of these guidelines and the Board will meet to make revisions and finalize the guidelines so that the members can review and vote on the formation of the committee.


Mary Ann McLane from the University of Delaware has asked if KEYPOCC would like to participate in the planning of the Spring 2006 ASCLS regional meeting. Dawn and Bev have agreed to serve on the planning committee which will be meeting in August 2005.

Pittsburgh group

POCC’s from the Pittsburgh area have approached one of the vendors concerning forming an adjunct relationship with KEYPOCC so that they can learn what it takes to start up their own POCC group. The membership felt that this would be a good idea and asked that the vendor have someone from Pittsburgh contact one of the officers.

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Serving Central PA, the Keystone Point of Care Coordinators (KEYPOCC) provides a forum for the discussion of ideas, issues, practices and emerging technology unique to Point of Care Testing.

Last updated: 09/16/2009 • Questions or corrections: My Point of Care.net