POCT: Operator Competency


December 6, 2006

Hershey Public Library
701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA

Hosted by

Marcy Anderson, JoAnn Brehm, Stacey Cerminaro

Medical Automation Systems, Inc


Educational Session Treasurer's Report 2007 Officers Directors Meeting
Sept. '06 Mtg. Eval. 2007 Meeting dates

Vendor Fairs


Educational Session:

The educational portion of the meeting focused on competency requirements and methods for point of care testing. There were a total of five speakers who presented.

JoAnn Brehm, BS, MT(HEW), MLT(ASCP
Director of Training
Medical Automation Systems

CAP and JCAHO Overview

Click here or on the image at the right to access this presentation >

Beverly McAllister, M.S., MT(ASCP) SC
Laboratory Operations Manager
Ephrata Community Hospital
Ephrata, PA

Click here or on the image at the right to access this presentation >

Tim Deen, MT(HEW), MLT(ASCP)
Point of Care Manger, Medical City Dallas Hospital, TX.

Tim has been in the Medical Technology field for 30 years and utilizes RALS-eQuiz to assess competency of ~1200 operators on multiple analyzers and manual testing procedures.

Click here or on the image at the right to access this presentation >

Karen Espey, MT(ASCP)
Supervisor of Point of Care Testing and Phlebotomy
Lancaster General Hospital
Lancaster, PA

Click here or on the image at the right to access this presentation >

Diana DeHoyos  MS, MT(ASCP)
Diana is the POCC at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX. In 2002, AACC awarded Diana the POCT Coordinator of the Year. Diana is part of a two-person POCC team that manages over 2000 users in the POCT program at the UTMB. Diana has developed her own “home grown” online competency tests for various POC tests and online proficiency testing of PPMP using digital images.  Her publications have appeared in The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology and ADVANCE for Administrators of the Laboratory.
Robert Wood, MT
Point of Care Coordinator, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Lebanon, PA

Business Meeting

Treasurer’s Report

Money Market Account $4,092.87
Checking Account         $4,221.32
Total $8,314.19

2007 KEYPOCC Officers

From left to right: Carrie Bell, Hershey Med Ctr, PA Secretary; Stacey Cerminaro, MAS Treasurer; Cindy Graves, Gettysburg Hospital Vice President; Rick Lebo, Lifescan, KEYPOCC 2007 President

KEYPOCC Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled

  • December 19, 2006 at Ephrata Community Hospital Ambulance Room B

  • All are welcome. New officers are requested to come.

Evaluation of September 2006 Meeting – CAP and JCAHO POCT Regulations

The attendees rated the meeting very high in all regards and had only positive comments about the meeting itself. One constructive comment was that vendors should turn their cell phones off.

Meeting dates/hosts/topics for 2007

Date Host (Location) Topic
March 21, 2007  Terry Hawkins (Christiana)  Coagulation
June 20, 2007 Chris Fetters (Hershey Park Family Day) TBD
Sept 19, 2007   Rick, Dawn/Jen (TBD) CAP Checklist Changes
December 5, 2007 Terry Hawkins/Adonica Wilson (Longwood Gardens)  TBD
March 2008 Joint meeting with Baltimore/NJ POCC groups and AACC????

Vendor Fairs – How do we decide which vendors can/should participate?

This is usually based upon the topic, but there should be guidelines as to who can participate. We could make it based on sponsorship with those vendors who donate to KEYPOCC for a particular meeting being allowed a display table. The KEYPOCC BOD will discuss the issue further at the December 19, 2006 meeting.

Reminder to Meeting Hosts to list the Sponsors on the invitation

Stacey Cerminaro wanted to remind the group that hosts should always list the sponsors of the meeting on the invitation as an acknowledgment of their contribution.

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Serving Central PA, the Keystone Point of Care Coordinators (KEYPOCC) provides a forum for the discussion of ideas, issues, practices and emerging technology unique to Point of Care Testing.

Last updated: 09/16/2009 • Questions or corrections: My Point of Care.net